Each colleague plays a vital part in delivering our overall mission of creating opportunities and changing lives. As part of our ongoing commitment to achieving net-zero carbon emissions, we recently appointed Emma Furfie as Energy and Sustainability Manager for the Group.
We are delighted to have welcomed Emma onboard, and she will be instrumental as we work towards a more sustainable tomorrow.
Having worked across a range of industries, Emma always involved herself in projects that involved sustainable practices, such as saving energy or developing ‘planet-friendly’ household products. Her interest in the natural world eventually reigned supreme, leading her to study a degree in Environmental Science and Management, which she is currently undertaking.
Throughout my life, it has become more apparent that we are overusing the planet’s natural resources, and I think we all have a responsibility to make changes that will improve the planet’s outlook. Being able to make a difference in the world and promoting a sustainable future for all is something that I strongly believe in, so moving into a career in sustainability was a natural choice for me. I think you get the most out of work when you’re doing something that you’re passionate about and following your own purpose, and that’s what I’m doing now.
Through collaboration with customers, stakeholders and partners, such as the Liverpool City Region and other registered providers, Emma plans to scale innovation to enable us to reach our sustainability goals.
Achieving Net-Zero Carbon is a complex process; collaboration with stakeholders, accuracy and transparency in reporting, and a commitment to continuous improvement is key.
She has already begun working on improving energy efficiency across our communities, looking at the installation of zero carbon heating options to improve insulation and reduce heat loss from our One Vision Housing and Pine Court Housing Association properties. A review of utility usage and optimisation of our solar PV and boiler systems form part of this project, helping to transform the properties to be Net-Zero Carbon by 2050.
Emma, along with her team, will continue to contribute towards our mission of creating opportunities and changing lives, as we trailblaze our way towards a sustainable tomorrow.
Through Discover our Purpose, we’ll be sharing more colleague case studies, highlighting how their contribution counts as we strive for a better future.