Christmas is a time of year for decorations, presents and consuming a lot of food. With that comes more waste so it’s important we up our recycling efforts for an environmentally Christmas. Small changes from individuals or a household can have a huge impact on our environment.
With increased awareness of global issues such as climate change, more and more people have decided to go green this Christmas. Whether it’s reusing, recycling or re-thinking their choices, Sovini Waste Solutions have the ultimate guide for a sustainable festive season.
- Choose recyclable wrapping paper
Lots of wrapping paper will go to waste over the holidays so it’s important to choose carefully. Wrapping paper with foil, glitter or that’s laminated can’t be recycled. If you’re unsure what you can and can’t recycle, you can do a ‘scrunch test’ by scrunching up the paper and if it unfolds it can’t be recycled, but if it stays scrunched, then it can be recycled.
Remember to remove the Sellotape and git tags before recycling!
- Opt for a card without glitter or foil
Cards with glitter, foil or lamination generally can’t be recycled. Opt for an eco-friendly paper card or join us in the digital age with an e-card. If you do have lots of cards that can’t be recycled, why not use them for your next craft projects or to re-create new cards for next year.
- What decorations are recyclable?
Bows and ribbons can’t be recycled but you upcycle and use them for next year. Glass baubles are not recyclable and plastic baubles are usually made from rigid plastic that isn’t widely recycled in the UK. All of these should be put in with your general waste.
Crackers that are plain and do not have glitter or foil on them can be recycled along with other paper materials. However, napkins that have been used and are contaminated with food or drink can’t be recycled, but we advise opting for reusable napkins as they’re much more sustainable alternative.
- Choose your lights carefully
LED lights use less energy and are much better for the environment. Although they are made up of recyclable materials such as glass and metal, they’re also electrically powered through batteries or mains plug, which means they can’t be recycled via your recycling bin. Electrical waste can be recycled at your local recycling centre.
- Your Christmas tree
Real trees are recyclable and can be chopped up to use in outdoor areas. They can’t be put into recycling bins, but if you check with your local council, there may be collections for real trees in early January.
Artificial Christmas trees are not recyclable as they are made up of multiple materials, including metal and plastic. We would advise you to donate or sell trees in good condition or otherwise, you can dispose of these in general waste.
- Be smart about food waste
A lot of food goes to waste over the Christmas period. It is the season to indulge, but trying to plan what you need rather than impulse buying is one of the smartest things you can do this year. This is one of the easiest ways to reduce food waste. Most food can be disposed of in your food waste bin at home or your compost heap. Don’t forget to donate any unopened or long-life products to food banks to give to those who need it this year.
Foil trays are made from the recyclable material, aluminium and therefore are recyclable. However, if the tray contains food residue, and it can’t be rinsed clean, then it is no longer recyclable.
If you have any concerns about disposing of your Christmas waste or need advice, we’re here to help!
Wishing you a green Christmas and Happy New Year.