We are thrilled to announce the launch of our ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) report for 2023/24! This report showcases our contributions to society, the economy and the environment, as we reflect on our journey throughout the last year.
By analysing our social value and the impact we have had, we can critically assess the progress we’ve made in achieving our vision, mission and strategic objectives.
Ensuring we have a robust ESG proposition means that we can drive meaningful change, tackling initiatives such as net-zero carbon, whilst encouraging our stakeholders and supply chain to share best practice.
Our highlights include:
- Created £139.4M in social value
- 97.8% of customers were satisfied with our repairs and maintenance services
- Reduced our carbon footprint by 69% (in comparison with our base-year data)
- Hosted 50+ health and wellbeing events for colleagues, in addition to fully-funded family events
- Awarded ‘Best Approach to Diversity and Inclusion’ at the Northern Housing Awards
- Retained Investors in People Platinum status for the sixth consecutive year
To discover more about our impact, read the report in full here.